Haidy Lamer (stage name) was born in Brazil and undertook her studies in art and fashion in Milan with excellent results, founding her own design studio in 2002.
She has collaborated with various Italian and foreign companies dealing with clothing, fabrics and accessories for women, men and children and with prestigious sector magazines for editorial services concerning textiles and accessories.
In parallel with the creation of clothes, Haidy Lamer has dedicated herself to art, creating works that range from figurative art to installation via video art and photography.
Since you began your studies at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, the fashion designer Haidy Lamer has always wanted to combine art and fashion in a combination of chromatic and multicultural energy.
The two worlds now coexist and are curated by the artist and fashion designer Haidy Lamer who creates unique and unrepeatable products just like works of art, convinced that her customers appreciate wearing an original garment that they won’t find in anyone else’s wardrobe.

Awards & Achievements

The Philosophy
Each garment, in fact, differs in color or detail so as to allow anyone who chooses this philosophy to obtain exclusivity.
Another identifying choice of the designer is to insert the same Leitmotiv in each item of the collection, motivational phrases, slogans that change with each new capsule that will be released at different times of the year.
Color, naïve elements and eclecticism belong to the artist’s spirit and date back to Salvador Bahia’s hometown where energy, creativity and cheerfulness are an integral and propulsive part.